Plus, i got 16/20 for my emath test which i thought it was pretty good(: And 10/20 for chem!
Stopped singing @ 6:08 AM ♥
♥ Friday, January 29, 2010 ♥
Stopped singing @ 5:59 AM ♥
♥ Wednesday, January 27, 2010 ♥
I love listening to the radio coz you would never know what you might hear! Today, the guy said something about funny warning signs. 5:Warning, dont feed to fishes. (dog shampoo) 4:Caution, for external use only (curling iron) 3: (forgot what it was) 2:Caution, please remove infant before folding for storage (stroller) 1:(there's a box that contains a shower cap) For one head only
Funny right? and bear in mind that these are real warning signs on labels.
Then i was trying to study for spelling.
And guess what? during chinese lesson, ms yew came into class and we didnt have anything to do so she asked us to read. And she said that our reading wasnt good. Heh heh. But i didnt know her chinese is so good! Always thought she was bad at it.
And math lesson was so boring with a capital B. And ryan was trying to hand in his homework to kimberly but she wouldnt take it. it was hilarious.
Stopped singing @ 6:42 AM ♥
♥ Tuesday, January 26, 2010 ♥
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and i no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life i live in the body, i live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
What i have learnt in cca today(:
Stopped singing @ 6:21 AM ♥
♥ Monday, January 25, 2010 ♥
This morning, i was rushing to finih my ss homework. I thought it was due tomorrow, but unfortunely, its due today... English lesson was quite relaxing. All we did was read two articles and write and essay. Not a full essay but try to. All history lesson on monday is going to be in the auditorium!!! Air-conditioning!!!! During history lesson, i was trying to finish my ss homework again... And we were late for PE but no punishment because he realised that 6 mins isnt enough so he's going to extend it to 7 mins. Which i think will still not be enough... The girls played captains ball today. My team and the other team gave up playing after a while coz it turned boring. And by end of recess, i finished my ss homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Math lesson today was boring. We were suppose to get into pairs and try to attempt this question. When he was explaining, my partner asked me, 'are you trying to analyze the question or daydreaming?' i was like, both. Heh heh. During geog, i was so close to falling asleep. And we were given this worksheet which was due by the end of today but i'll just hand it in tomorrow.... AND GUESS WHAT?!?! I SAW A WENDY'S COMMERCIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss the frosty...
Stopped singing @ 5:44 AM ♥
♥ Sunday, January 24, 2010 ♥
I met with ruth today! Man, she so damn tall.... We went to watch 'the spy next door'!!! Its so funny and definitely worth your money. Planning to watch it again(:
And during one part of the bloopers, jackie chan was like 'i dont like english'. Hahas. I so want to meet all the primary school classmates and friends! Probably on the day when the schools celebrate chinese new year and everyone get out early......
Stopped singing @ 5:56 AM ♥
♥ Tuesday, January 19, 2010 ♥
I found out that shopping burns calories! Heard it on the radio!
When i got to class, i realised that there's chem test on wed......and i haven't study for it yet.......
And during english, mdm norhani said that there was an ex student that plays the ukulele and he's pretty bad at it. Coz he plays songs like jai-ho and lady gaga's songs on it. Can you imagine how it would sound like??
History test on thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! damn it.....I REALLY HOPE I DON'T FAIL IT.... So that means i have two tests this week and im not including all those math quizzes or whatever they are.
We were like about 4 mins late and we were suppose to do 1 push up per second late....but since its the first official lesson, mr kwok let us off. (thank God! i would like die) Then the boys played soccer while the girls threw javelin. I think it was kinda fun!
My geog book finally came!!!!! its about time too.
After school, i was suppose to meet jerlyn but i was super duper tired.
And my mom told me that when she brought my sister to the playground, sabella went to this piano thing and another girl was already there. Wherever that girl pressed, my sister also wanted to press there. But then the girl didn't let her press, so sabella pushed the girl! after that, she just walked away! hahas. I should have been there to see it! Man.....
Oh, and i found this video of this ukulele boy and he's super cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woke up late.....
I asked my dad to help me buy 1 of those 1 litre bottle drink and he went to buy two.....So heavy...
During morning proceedings, this girl went up on stage to read out the announcements and she read a few words wrongly and everyone was laughing their heads off. And the teacher that gave morning devotion also pronounced a few words wrongly. And some guy said 'whats with everyone today?'
Fun fact we learnt in bio: guys' arms are straighter than girls. Interesting....
During English, our teacher told us that there are quite a number of teachers in our school that reads comic books and this one teacher's wife is going to divorce him if he buys another comic book. Hahas. Is it really that extreme?
By the time we got to SS lesson which was the last lesson of the day, the class was like half dead...
CCA!!! we had a couple of sec ones joining us. And we played games. One of them was wacko, no surprise there....And guess what? I'm in charge of refreshments every week, all thanks to eunice......
And by the time i reached home, it was like 7.30pm! Had to wait a long time for 969.
WEDNESDAY Woke up late again....
Homeroom was blah and during CD lesson, we were making paper airplanes! It was kinda like a competition.
And for chem, Mrs Ho didnt come! So Ms Low teached and then we had a lesson assignment and guess what? Its the excat same questions as the ones i already have in my previous file(: so im guessing im getting like a hundred? (:
Then during recess, i went to 4H to return something to someone. Then i was just looking at their notice board and under the remedial section, i saw my name! And it said that my class was 4H!
We were released early today. When i was walking out of the school gate, the security guard lady asked me if i was coming back to school. I said no. Then she asked me how to order bubble tea. After telling her, i asked why not i buy for her since its just right there. Then she said nvm, she'll just get someone thats going out to eat and going back to school, thanks a lot and stuff. And she said that if i was ever going out to eat lunch and going back to school, i could just drop by and ask if she needs anything. I was like sure! I dunno if she meant it but im just going to ask(: See, how nice of me right?!?! Hahas.
Tomorrow history test!!!!!!!!! I better pass it....
Stopped singing @ 5:37 AM ♥
♥ Sunday, January 17, 2010 ♥
Arghh...Thhis morning forced myself to wake up at 7.50 at accompany Jiamin to 9am service. My dad sent me to northpoint and then i walked to the bus stop coz i didnt feel like taking the mrt. Omg, there was hardly anyone in the bus. Then, when i reached church, jiamin texted me that she havent reached the house yet and i would have to wait a while. So i waited and waited. While i was waiting for her, i saw 2 cute guys(: Around 15mins later, i saw this girl smiling and walking towards me and i was thinking who in the world is that? Then after looking closely, i realised that she was Jiamin! OMG, she looks different with bangs! China doll! hahas. Today's preacher is pastor steve cioccolanti. He is good! And his sermons are simple and funny. Should have went for the 3.15 and 7 services.....
School starts again tomorrow.............................
Stopped singing @ 4:48 AM ♥
♥ Friday, January 15, 2010 ♥
Release of o'level results! Didnt get to go see it......
History lesson was in the auditorium! it was nice(:
Then PE. Mr Kwok is our PE teacher. And he said that next time he's only going to give us what, 6 mins? , to change and go down to meet him. And for every second late, we do a push up!!!! My goodness. Plus, he spent the whole lesson going through the warm up. I think his lesson is pretty funny(:
My SS teacher is Mrs Tan! I think she scared like half the class.....
There was another quiz for math. No surprise there. There's like a quiz almost every lesson.
During geog, Mrs Leong wasnt there so we ended up doing workbook):
Tomorrow is going to be a long day...
For the whole day, all they were talking about was the o'level results. And you know what? last year's sec 3 higher chinese people had like 31 people total. And out of the 31, only 15 got distinctions and allowed to go to sec 4 higher chinese! sad man...Heard that someone even got C5!
Plus today, we were suppose to do singspiration but it was BB day! so no need! yay!
In english, we had to write an essay........ I think i memorised like half of it the night before. heh heh.
In assembly, the people up front talked and talked. And why is it that the school always indirectly, unknowingly reminds you that we redo sec 3? it was depressing enough when we found out. No need to keep saying...gosh.....
Math teacher late by like 30 mins? and we tried to delay time by singing birthday song to this guy. First we sang the english one, then the "God is blessing you now" one, and finally the chinese one! hahas.
After that was biology SPA! and guess who is one of the teachers????? Ms Toh!!!!(:
SS teacher not here... so math teacher came in again. And he took her period to have a quiz!!! arghh.
After school, CCA. After that, Eunice found out that she had chinese lesson after school. So she went to find her chinese teacher on what it was about, and her teacher told her to find Mr Tay coz he was in 4K. So we went there and there wasnt anyone there. Then we went to the MM office and he wasnt there too. Eunice was like super happy coz dont have to see him.
I survived a japanese game show!!!!!! Funny!
Then it was just for laughs! HILARIOUS!!!!! my mom and i were laughing our heads off! I think the asia version is funnier than the UK(or is it canada?) one.
There was a funny ad on the radio. The DJs were talking about this ad on craigslist( dunno how to spell). It's about this lady, she and her husband were trying to have a baby but no success. And she went to the doctor's and the doctor said that she was fine. So she thinks it should be her husband. So she's looking for a guy to have a baby with her. And he must send her a nude photo of himself coz she cant do it if she isnt attracted to him. ISNT THAT JUST SICK?!?! good grief....people these days.....
And right after morning proceedings, this counsellor( is that how you spell it? i have to improve my spelling.....) came and looked for me. She asked me how i was and stuff. The conversation was ok, at least i got to spend 10 mins in a room that has air-conditioning. And i finally got to see how the room looked like.
CD lesson was quite fun. We had to come up with rules and we are going to choose 3 to be rules and they were going to be rules that only applies to 3G. Someone suggested that the class, including teachers, have to eat recess together once a week. And if the teachers dont show up, they'll have to treat us. And another one was to say 'i love you' to at least one person everyday. Our group suggested that we should have nap time and snack time(:
During chem SPA, i broke a boiling tube. Lets not go into details about that.....
Went to 4H during recess, the class has freaking air-conditioning....
In english, we had spelling. I passed(:
In chinese, some people were telling lame jokes...
Math teacher didnt come so there was practice paper which i skipped like 1/3 of the questions. Gave up doing it an hour later.
MICHAEL BUBLE WAS ON TV!!! and i only watched like 1min of it...............
Plus american idol was super funny. The first contestant's shirt kept coming up and the third contestant was like 'omg! are you really simon cowell? i cant believe it!' hahas.
And i love victoria beckham's eyes!
Went to DIC for singspiration....... At first when we were about to go up, one teacher told us that singspiration is cancelled coz no time. But our joy was short-lived...Then they found out that there was actually time......
After that, me, eunice and doreen took a long walk back to class. And eunice said 'why is it whenever im with you i always see mr tay?' i was like' how am i suppose to know?' And we had photo taking. I think it was for IC. But i already have one......oh well.
And there's no geog textbook again!!!!
Math teacher never come again so we had a sub. She was like 'your teacher never come but gave you guys work to do. See, he loves you guys so much.' lol.
During chem, we had a 5 mins power nap. Some people were actually sleeping.
On the way home, saw a guy wearing a shirt that said 'texas university'!!!!!!!! so cool!
Went to meet gelien at northpoint!
Woke up early to do english hw.
And you know the quote 'If at first you dont succeed, try, try again'? They rephrased it. "If at first you dont succeed, you're a bloody failure.'
During devotion, the guy that gave devotion sang. Then he asked if we wanted him to sing it again. So he did. And then he asked if we would nominate him for singapore idol, then this group that did singspiration was like 'YES!' hahas.
In chinese, we had spelling! For me, two marks are already gone...Coz when i was writing the sentence halfway, i blanked out. So i just came up with one, which i think doesnt even make sense.....dammit..
Math, we had another quiz and i was like the first one to finish(:
English, i still havent finish the hw. Had about 2 words left. So started scanning the book for words and i was finally done with it!!!!!!!!!
After school went to meet jerlyn. We didnt go to Ikea coz didnt have enough time. So we just went to Tampines 1 instead for lunch. After that she said that she wanted to go to my school. So we walked back. Thats right, walked. When we reached the school gate, she asked the security guards if she could go in, turns out, no.
Then cca selection for sec ones! But before that, doreen and i went around to find eunice. In the end, i saw one of her friends and asked if she knew where eunice was. She said that eunice didnt come to school. You know why? Because of flu. Good grief........
Then went around the school to give out stuff to sec ones. Feet sore.....But quite fun(:
One week has passed.....Man, time sure flies.
Stopped singing @ 6:00 AM ♥
♥ Saturday, January 9, 2010 ♥
FRIDAY It didn't rain so that means morning proceedings would be at the parade square which means that you need your songbook. But i didn't want to go to the office to ask them so i called them. The person that answered the phone was nice(: And i think she thought that i was a parent. hahas. Before school, a few people went around class collecting money for the files and when i gave a dollar to this girl, Kimberly, i said 'here you go'. But i think there was an accent so she asked me if i lived overseas before. I was like 'yeah, the US.' and it turns out that she lived there too! in Arizona. That's so cool(: Then, it was chem. The lesson was better and the teacher gave hw.....workbook pg 2-9. Thank God its due only on Wednesday. So i have tons of time to do it. And during recess, i spent like 15-20 mins getting my geog workbook and a file. My gosh, the queue was so damn long. After recess was chinese. The teacher gave tons of, now i have spelling for chinese, something i haven't had in like 4 years? oh great............... im so not looking forward to that. Then it was math! quite boring, i must say. He gave hw but i finished it in class. I do not need another piece of hw to bring back home. English was better today. We did this quiz thing to find out what type of learners we were. Im a aural learner. And my teacher has a great sense of humor. This guy asked what type of dictionary we were suppose to bring and she said 'english'. hahas. After that, the class stayed back to vote for class committee. When we were done, I rushed down to the DIC for cca meeting, but then i didnt see anyone from my cca. So i went to the library to meet chi yue, she's helping me in studies. While we were still there, mr k walked in and chatted with us. I think that my former class has quite a few some people dont like the others and the class committee is not that good and stuff. Sad... Met Wen Xian( hope its right) and Eunice. Turns out that the meeting was in 1C... and received a text from Mrs Tan, she's not going to be the teacher-in-charge for Crosstrain anymore!!!! So sad. So the new teacher is mrs leong, my geog teacher................. After a while more, I was super hungry so me, Wen Xian and Eunice left the library and went to the canteen. Why is it that whenever i stay back, i always meet Mr Tay????????? O'level results coming out on Monday! Good luck people! Next, we went to Tampines 1 coz all i bought at the canteen was a donut... so bought more food again. And i found out that im not the only one who doesnt like the office people. The school should really do something about it. Came home, ate dinner and started doing hw. But by 10pm, my brain completely shut down so gave up on hw.
SATURDAY I had tuition but the tutor said that she was going to be 15 mins late so i did my chinese hw. When she came, we went through Amath questions for alpha and beta. Arghh, cant stand that chapter...About an hour later, the house phone rang. But i decided to ignore it coz i thought it was my parents or my grandma. It just kept ringing and ringing until my tutor said' wow, your phone has been ringing for a long time.' So i was like 'give me a second, i'll go answer it.' When i said hello, this guy asked 'may i speak to karen?' By then i was thinking, i dont think i signed up for anything, but i said 'um, yes?' Turns out that its my former chinese teacher. Scared the life outta me. Then i was thinking 'oh shit, what did i do?' But he just called to ask if my chinese teacher said anything about CLB, and was she encouraging us to go. I think that they arent suppose to. I said that she just told us what CLB was and stuff. Interesting phone call...... I spent the whole day doing hw, mainly english, which we have to find a total of 150 nouns, verbs, and adjectives that we dont know and find the meaning and write down the sentence. Super tiring.
SUNDAY Omg, when we drove to the church carpark, i saw a porsche parking there! NICE CAR!!! And pastor colin's sermon was super funny, one of my fave pastors to preach. Did english the whole day today, and still have like 100 more to go.........................
Stopped singing @ 5:30 AM ♥
♥ Thursday, January 7, 2010 ♥
Thank God! This morning, i was totally praying that it'll rain coz if it didnt rain, there will be singing, which means i have to buy songbook, which means i have to go to the office to ask, which means i have to meet those office people. Which i think i said before, i CAN'T stand them! Generally, most of them are nice but it's those one or two people that are just plain rude. And it rained!!! For quite long too, about 3 hours+
First subject was biology. Finally a teacher that i like. Second subject: elective history's teacher was ok. Kinda liked her. Then it was pure geog, which is taught by mrs leong! and finally a teacher i know! which reminds me, i have to buy the new textbook and workbook.
And during math, there was this question that we were suppose to try out. I already did it during tuition. So after i finished, i started to daydream and doodle and stuff. i thought quite a long time has passed(couldnt know for sure coz stupid clock not working). And i found out that we were still on that same question. I was like 'wow'
Chinese was ok, kinda boring except for the times when we could hear mr tay next door shouting or laughing or something.
And finally chem. today's lesson was better than yesterday's.
tomorrow staying back...
Stopped singing @ 5:19 AM ♥
♥ Wednesday, January 6, 2010 ♥
omg, only been to school for like what? three day? and I'm super tired already.... my goodness... anyways, here's my day today.
On the way to school, I was listening to the radio and they were talking about how students cheat. Here are just some examples: -pass notes (which i think would be really obvious) -go to the bathroom and write answers on a blank sheet of paper (but its not like you can go to the bathroom 3 times within the test period......) -(and the most interesting one, used for MCQ) the table has 4 legs right? so each leg stands for a letter. So if the answer is 'A', then the person would point his foot towards that particular leg. and below the table, there are 10 bars for you to put books right? each bar is a number. So the bars would be the number to the question and the legs would be the answer. cool right?
then reached school and realised that the chemistry textbook changed...the old one is better though! what the heck..... then Gloriane passed me a book that her sister wrote. I think the book is pretty cool, read a few pages of it. then homeroom, we were suppose to find quotes last night to put on the board. mine was 'you can give in, you can give out but don't you give up' and for those of you who really know me well enough, will know who its by(:
Then chemistry. 4 words. 'please change the teacher.' that's it, 'nuff said.
RECESS!!! went to buy chem textbook, practical book and workbook, which total up to$49.20 wow. then went down again with this girl, Danna(i think that's how you spell it.....) and then met Chi Yue. and its amazing how fast news travel. it seems that now everyone knows what class I'm in...and i only told like what? 2 people? then met Mr Wong! man, i really wished i was in sec 4 right now....
English. better than the one teaching chem.
Chinese. Thank God its not one of the teachers from China!!! and she speaks english in class too, i think its because my chinese class its not those good first i liked that she spoke english, but then after 10 mins, it kinda got on my nerves. i mean, its chinese lesson for goodness sake.
Math. Finally a teacher that i like. The actual teacher, Mr Sham is on course for like 3 months for we have a relief, Mr Yak(still dunno how to pronounce it). I think he cant really teach though....
Stopped singing @ 5:19 AM ♥
♥ Monday, January 4, 2010 ♥
so today was the first day of school.
in the morning, it was raining. which i didnt mind it coz that meant that morning proceedings is in the classroom. It was kinda awkward at first because i did not know a single soul in my class. then my form teacher came. I think she's quite nice. My co form teacher is mr kwok, so the class was like 'oh die.' hahas.
And the whole of today, we were either in the class doing admin stuff or we were in the hall listening to some guy talk.
AAANND! for all my subjects, the teachers arent the same as last year's, which kinda sucks coz i was hoping for the teachers to be the same......
tomorrow is a second day of school. hopefully it will be better(:
Stopped singing @ 4:18 AM ♥
That Lady
Her parents name her KAREN
She's born during 19.05.94
& currently fifteen nvps t0 shss
She's currenly SINGLE :DD
If you dislike her, please click here
I ♥ God I ♥ Music I ♥ Candies
I ♥ Family
I ♥ Friends
I ♥ Laughing :)
Craving ♥
x better teachers!actually they are pretty good right now(: x get top 10 in class for common test [[: :DD
x Pass my EOY (:
x Pass History test! i finally passed it!!!! x Pass ss test!
x Watch 'the spy next door'great movie! Planning to watch it again x Watch 'hachiko'