Thank God today's common tests were easier than yesterday's.
2 more to go tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!
Stopped singing @ 5:16 AM ♥
♥ Wednesday, February 24, 2010 ♥
OMG! They were playing Barry's song on the radio this morning!(:
Ok, now about the common tests. the english one was ok. Both passages were about Obama. While i was reading it, i remembered the whole election. Amath was a little hard. I only have 2 sentences to say. 1: Im going to kill the person who created time limit. 2: Im going to kill the person who set the paper. Thats it. Tomorrow, i have ss, biology and Emath. All the best to me and everyone who is having common tests too.
Stopped singing @ 4:30 AM ♥
♥ Sunday, February 14, 2010 ♥
Stopped singing @ 5:51 AM ♥
♥ Thursday, February 11, 2010 ♥
WHOO!!!!! I GOT THE HIGHEST IN THE CLASS FOR CHEM TEST! YEAH! 22/25 (: pretty good, A1(:
Stopped singing @ 5:52 AM ♥
♥ Tuesday, February 9, 2010 ♥
OMG!!! This whole controversy about pastor rony's comments on it's even in the front page of Straits Time.
SINGAPORE: The Internal Security Department (ISD) has called up Pastor Rony Tan of Lighthouse Evangelism in connection with his comments and insinuations about Buddhism and Taoism at his church sessions.
These sessions were video-recorded and made available on Lighthouse Evangelism's website. Video clips of these sessions subsequently became available on YouTube and other websites.
The Ministry of Home Affairs said Pastor Tan's comments were highly inappropriate and unacceptable as they trivialised and insulted the beliefs of Buddhists and Taoists.
They can also give rise to tension and conflict between the Buddhist/Taoist and Christian communities.
ISD told Pastor Tan that in preaching or proselytising his faith, he must not run down other religions, and must be mindful of the sensitivities of other religions.
Pastor Tan has expressed his deepest apologies and remorse. He deeply regrets that he has been insensitive and offensive towards the Buddhist and Taoist faiths, and that his comments have saddened and hurt their followers.
He has promised that it will never happen again and has also affirmed that he will tell his members to respect other beliefs and build a harmonious Singapore.
This Sunday's message should be interesting.
Stopped singing @ 4:11 AM ♥
♥ Monday, February 8, 2010 ♥
SUNDAY Today i went speedlight with jiamin! When i met her, she gave me a cookie(: Kinda hard but still, it was good(: And it was after i ate the cookie then i remembered that i wanted to take a photo of it... The sermon was good. It was about God'd forgiveness. The passage we looked at was John 8:1-11. You know, about the woman committing adultery. After service, jiamin gave me another cookie and i forgot to take a photo of it again! Arghh. When i came home, i did a fair amount of tuition homework cause i wouldn't have enough time to do it next week. And it's tons of homework given! When i was watching american idol, i realised that paula and simon look so cute together. I know paula is not in idol anymore, im not that slow, but when they showed past clips. Dinnertime, my parents, my sister and the maid went to causeway point. Why didnt i go? Cause michael buble was on tv!!(: He was good! Then when i got on the internet, i went to youtube and found a video of simon and paula. Confirmation, they look cute.
MONDAY I woke up earlier then usual today because all of a sudden, i had a really bad stomachache. even though i woke up earlier, i still finished preparing for school around the same time as when i wake up at the usual time............ when i got to school, i was rushing my english homework cause i didnt bring it hometo do. Heh heh. But i couldnt finish it so hand in tomorrow. And there isnt history test today! She oushed it back because of time constrain so we're gonna have it on the 8th week. And for pe, we went to tampines stadium and all we did was listen to mr kowk talk about various parts of the track and what they were used for plus some interesting facts like why is a marathon called a marathon and why is a marathon 42.125km, cause there was this guy who ran 42.125km to a place called marathon. During social studies, mrs tan was super mad cause a few people didnt have their materials on the table and a few people were late for class. But after a while, she was ok. But i think that now a few people in class dont like her.... For math, we learnt coordinate geometry. And when we were talking about length of line, mr yak has been talking about the formula and asaph said 'use ruler to measure?' and mr yak was banging his head on the board. Hahas. And when we did a practice, mr yak got the answer wrong and ryan was like 'oh, you're a teacher and you got the answer wrong?' and mr yak said' im a teacher, not God. Full stop.' Geog was ok, didnt do much. Test on thursday!
One month of school has passed. Wow, time flies man.....
Stopped singing @ 5:15 AM ♥
♥ Saturday, February 6, 2010 ♥
Ok, i finally went jogging today! I woke up at like 7, and then went to wash up and everything and went to wake my dad up. We jogged to the market and i don't mean the short way where you pass the church. I mean the loooooong way, jog all the way to the back of the field, all the way straight, past my pri school, past the condo, make a turn at the end and straight to the market. My dad was like 'thank God you stopped. If not i think i would throw up.' After that, we ate breakfast and walked home. My feet hurt, well, only one foot and my eyes felt like closing (talking about eyes closing, i had one of the best dreams last night!) Before tuition started, i was super tired, really felt like sleeping. Just before my tutor came, my dad asked a really random question 'what is the difference between Dracula and vampire?' he said that vampire is to the Asian side while Dracula is towards the western. Me and my mom disagree. I was like 'twilight has vampires and they are Caucasians.' When my tutor came, we asked her and i think she said they are kinda the same...hmm.. During tuition, she gave tons of homework cause next week, i have no tuition!!! Oh, and when i watched don't forget the lyrics, guess whose song was on there????? Barry's!!! Hahas. I was like screaming my head off. Then the guy went home cause he didn't know the lyrics to one of the songs. And another guy came on and guess what???? When he picked the pop category, one of Barry's song came on!!! Then i started screaming even more. Even my sister got excited. Hahas. I love these little Barry moments(:
Stopped singing @ 2:57 AM ♥
♥ Thursday, February 4, 2010 ♥
Man, this girl is good!!!!!! And i think i want to learn swedish.....It will certainly help you to understand more stuff the next time you go IKEA. Hahas.
Stopped singing @ 4:41 AM ♥
♥ Wednesday, February 3, 2010 ♥
Omg, today i woke up late. I don't know why but i was super tired last night.... And on the way to school, turned on the radio and this annoying song comes on. You know the song 'I want nobody, nobody but you' or whatever? Yah, that song..... Then one of the dj said 'you know how in stores, you see a sign that reads "shoplifters will be handed over to the police"? Well, in this particular supermarket, below it, there's a line that says "any staff that catches you collegue stealing will be rewarded $500" ' Then the other dj said that he will work there and he'll put stuff into the other dj's pocket and within a week, he'll be rich! Hahas. He also said 'with your big pocket, i'll put a fridge in there'. I love listening to the radio....
When i reached school, i had to pack my table coz there was hardly any space to put the bio file that we got yesterday. But Thank God, it fits nicely.
During homeroom, we went to the hall for a talk. It was about something that makes all the guy excited.....if you guessed sex, you are right. Well, it was about STI/HIV but still, it links to you know... And after that, mr lian was going to announce something and before that he said 'ok, you guys just heard about 3 letters s-e-x, now im going to give you 3 more. C-C-A.' Hahas.
During chemistry, we listened to this song. Its quite nice(:
English lesson was fun! We practiced oral. In the beginning, a few people had to read the passage with accents, like american, british, indian.....
During math lesson, this guy went to the bathroom and it kinda annoyed mr yak coz when the guy comes back, he's gonna ask what he missed. So as a joke, mr yak hid his pencil case. When the guy came back, he didnt notice it! Finally mr yak gave him his pencil case back and he was like' eh, where did this come from? How did you have it?' Then we rest of us were like' wow, you are slow. Were you born yesterday or in 1995?'
Chem test tomorrow....cant wait........................
Stopped singing @ 4:54 AM ♥
That Lady
Her parents name her KAREN
She's born during 19.05.94
& currently fifteen nvps t0 shss
She's currenly SINGLE :DD
If you dislike her, please click here
I ♥ God I ♥ Music I ♥ Candies
I ♥ Family
I ♥ Friends
I ♥ Laughing :)
Craving ♥
x better teachers!actually they are pretty good right now(: x get top 10 in class for common test [[: :DD
x Pass my EOY (:
x Pass History test! i finally passed it!!!! x Pass ss test!
x Watch 'the spy next door'great movie! Planning to watch it again x Watch 'hachiko'